You can do better than these guys.

17 Apr

Photo by moi.

31 Responses to “You can do better than these guys.”

  1. Hermes April 17, 2011 at 7:59 pm #

    Obvious Kohl’s shoppers, both of them.

  2. Aunt Haley April 17, 2011 at 8:15 pm #

    Could be Versace there. Hard to know how some people can tell the difference.

  3. Ceer April 17, 2011 at 9:43 pm #

    The guy on the left has the glaring belt below his ummywears and short teeshirt thing going on. Also has a silly logo on his teeshirt that I find tacky. Though, the color matching is decent.

    Comparatively, the man in the box on the right is well dressed. What exactly has he done besides clash a khaki shorts with a rusty orange teeshirt? His clothes seem to fit reasonably well, with the shirt on the baggy side. Given that it looks to be mid to warm temperature, oversize may be a bonus if he’s out for an all day outing.

  4. KevinN April 18, 2011 at 3:19 am #

    Their clothes advertise to the world that they are children in the bodies of grown men, completely lost in a world that allows adolescence to extend indefinitely. I’d peg the guy on the left as a fast food employee and the guy on the right as a low-level office monkey. Neither has ambitions of any sort beyond scoring the next dime bag or asking permission from his wife to go golfing, respectively. God forbid people wear clothes that fit, wear them correctly, or put on a collared shirt these days. They deserve their boring, disposable lives and impending break-ups/divorces

  5. Hermit April 18, 2011 at 4:20 am #

    The guy in orange, obvious beta. Although tall and fairly athletic, his head is bent down, shoulders slumped, arms pulled in close. The 5 yo girl has more confidence than he does. And the clothes thing…

  6. Ceer April 18, 2011 at 4:52 am #

    I looked at the photo, and I totally read the brick-concrete transition wrong. I thought it was a set of stairs last time, now I’m thinking it’s probably not.

    As far as the loose fitting clothes thing is concerned, the guy on the right seems reasonably dressed (except for color clash) if he’s out for an all day set of activities in warm or hot weather…not an unreasonable assumption given two other people in the picture are wearing shorts.

    Guy on the Right’s stance, while far from inspiring doesn’t invoke anything offputting to me. There may well be a reason for it. A tall guy would have plenty of reasons to look down, especially due to his physical proximity to the girl on his immediate left-front.

  7. Kathy April 18, 2011 at 5:04 am #

    Sheesh! You people are way too intense and over analytical..These guys are’nt trying to snag a woman here..Hey who knows they could be married..

    Give it a rest will ya..

    For every pic of a so-called unsuitable guy, I could probably provide you with ten of an unsuitable woman.

    Remember girls, a slick talking well dressed dude with a fashionabe haircut is not an indication of good marriage material…

    It does however indicate the possible unsuitability of a woman(as marriage material) who would be sucked in to such superficial stuff..

    Oh, lord.. please let the scales fall from their eyes.. (rolls eyes)

    Horace Wimp wouldn’t get a look in here. ;)

  8. andy April 18, 2011 at 6:27 am #

    Ooooffff. Just this weekend my baby mama mentioned one of our friends keen eye for fashionable shirts. HINT HINT!

    I dress just like the guy on the right. Time for a little change up.

  9. Dan in Philly April 18, 2011 at 8:04 am #

    Do you mean that women can do better than guys like that, or that us men can do better than those guys are managing. You can make the either point.

    It reminds me of the joke about two guys being chased by a bear. One puts on his sneakers and his friend says “Why bother, you can’t outrun the bear?” The first guy says “I don’t have to, all I have to do is outrun you!”

    For all those guys out there wondering how to find and attract a good pretty girl with good marriage values, remember you don’t have to be more sexy than George Cloony, make more money than Bill Gates, and be more powerful than Putin. You just have to apply a little effort and you’ll leave 75% of the other guys in the dust. Given that most of the 25% “above you” are married or not interested in marriage, you are suddenly one of the top choices for wise women who know what to look for!

  10. Dan in Philly April 18, 2011 at 8:05 am #

    @Ceer “Guy on the Right’s stance, while far from inspiring doesn’t invoke anything offputting to me. There may well be a reason for it. A tall guy would have plenty of reasons to look down, especially due to his physical proximity to the girl on his immediate left-front.” – After reading your post and looking again at the photo, I would guess tall guy is checking his IPhone with both hands. Captain underpants, though…

  11. DB April 18, 2011 at 8:14 am #

    I see your point…and it is well taken. However, nothing has been said about the women these guys are with. Either one of them have no reason to up their game…!

  12. locard April 18, 2011 at 9:46 am #

    Wow, sad really. It kind of looks to me like both of these prize women could stand to loose a few……Now I will give you that I can’t stand pants pulled down, but the guy on the right, come on. Here is a hint, the man on the right is dressing that way because he is likely concealing a pistol on his right hip, missed that with your critical eye?

    If a woman finds great fault with the man on the rights dress than there is a 99% probability that she is not someone worth taking the marriage/suicide gamble with. How about the fact he isn’t fat and actually is present with children in public? Would it be OK if he dressed nice and had a great haircut with a 44 inch waist?? Damn.

  13. Strangel April 18, 2011 at 7:54 pm #

    Love the shorts + socks on Orange Shirt.

  14. Hermes April 18, 2011 at 8:00 pm #

    I’ll add my voice to the chorus of people wondering what is so wrong with the guy on the right. Sure, he’s not dressed to impress anyone, but what if he’s just out making a run to the hardware store? Haley, do you think no one should ever go out in public in shorts, t-shirt, and sneakers? I know some people do–if you read Lawrence Auster’s or Laura Wood’s sites, you’ll find people pining for the days when the stands at baseball games were filled with men in sport jackets, ties, and fedoras–but I hadn’t pegged you as that type.

  15. Hermes April 18, 2011 at 8:05 pm #

    Could be Versace there. Hard to know how some people can tell the difference.

    That’s it. I’m gonna memorize some routines, hit the bars, pick up an HB8, and upload a picture of her with her arms around me in my outfit from Kohl’s.

  16. Paige April 18, 2011 at 8:12 pm #

    the woman on the far right with the long hair, green tube-top, and black pants. Nice WTH ratio…dang. I’d tap it…if I were a hetero male.

  17. Aunt Haley April 19, 2011 at 9:35 am #

    I dress just like the guy on the right. Time for a little change up.

    But if you have a baby mama, your fashion sense must be working for you. Or are you just accusing this woman of poor taste?

    However, nothing has been said about the women these guys are with. Either one of them have no reason to up their game…!

    According to Athol, a man must first up his own game if he wants the woman to up hers. Women calibrate to their men, not vice versa.

    That’s it. I’m gonna memorize some routines, hit the bars, pick up an HB8, and upload a picture of her with her arms around me in my outfit from Kohl’s.

    I look forward to seeing video of this momentous occasion.

  18. DB April 19, 2011 at 2:28 pm #

    Haley, maybe you could find a similar pic of men whom you would find “better” enough, to settle for? (Hope that makes sense!) I would like to see what you do find attractive. Just curious, from the back view…what you would consider to be acceptable. Remember, the pic should be similar in that it is from the back, must include the spouse with kids…, and nothing from hollywood. We are talking average men…in the same situation. This should be interesting, and good luck with that! As for Athol, I totally get your point, and I can personally attest to this working. My wife has followed me to the gym and is now training to run her first ever 5k! I upped my game and now she is following. I, however, had to make a change,….as the status quo was not acceptable. I went from being a Beta to learning game and I now live a very different married life. In my humble observation, these men seem very content. (Wild guess with basically no information except a pic…but hey, a pic is worth a thousand words right?) Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your pic of men you would be attracted to!

  19. Eumaios April 19, 2011 at 4:36 pm #

    said Paige: “the woman on the far right with the long hair, green tube-top, and black pants. Nice WTH ratio…dang. I’d tap it…if I were a hetero male.”

    Actually a fairly poor ratio. You’re reacting to the shape of her curves, which admittedly would be attractive on a woman if they were 4 inches closer together.

    Nice try at papering over the unattractiveness of the females in the photo, though. I’d expect nothing less of any woman, let alone you.

  20. Eumaios April 19, 2011 at 4:39 pm #

    I agree that the guy in the orange shirt has problems. Slump shouldered, bent neck, bad color choice, shorts. He looks like he attends a Church of Christ university.

    Underpants probably cleans up with a certain class of women.

  21. Aunt Haley April 19, 2011 at 5:42 pm #

    What I find attractive on a man and what I may eventually settle for may be two different things. But if I happen to run across a man whose dress catches my eye and I remember to take a photo, I’ll post it. Also, just because I find a man’s looks attractive doesn’t mean I’ll be attracted to him. The world contains plenty of objectively attractive men who do nothing for me.

    Congratulations on upping your game, and good luck to your wife on her 5K!

  22. lifeinlonglegs April 19, 2011 at 7:56 pm #

    Low blow Haley. This is outer appearance only. Sure, not dressed to impress. But does that mean they ALWAYS dress that way? Does it mean they should be the victim of our online scrutiny?

    “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

  23. Paige April 19, 2011 at 10:01 pm #

    My husband liked her figure. He was the one to point her out. He likes exaggerated curves.

    “Nice try at papering over the unattractiveness of the females in the photo, though. I’d expect nothing less of any woman, let alone you.”

    This is a strange comment.

  24. Badger April 20, 2011 at 11:19 pm #

    “What I find attractive on a man and what I may eventually settle for may be two different things.”

    I like how you are already committing yourself to “settling.”

  25. Aunt Haley April 20, 2011 at 11:25 pm #

    I like how you are already committing yourself to “settling.”

    Oh, I have a very large, nagging suspicion that I’ll end up with someone short, fat, balding, and non-athletic, who has no interests in common with me.

  26. DB April 21, 2011 at 9:05 am #

    Haley, when that day comes, make sure you post a behind pic of him stating….”I thought I could do better then this guy!” Then take him to Kohls for a “dress-up” session and then to the Wal-mart snack bar for lunch!

    PS Make sure he pays, a good beta would be honored to do that, and much more for you!

  27. Steve April 24, 2011 at 3:32 pm #

    Honestly, I don’t see anything wrong with the guy on the right.

  28. Old Guy April 24, 2011 at 11:16 pm #

    Paige: A couple of weeks ago you shared some insecurities on your blog. From what you’ve said here, I think you’ll probably be OK.

  29. notgonnasay June 5, 2011 at 3:04 pm #

    Who is the girl on the far right? LOVE those hips!

  30. Badger June 5, 2011 at 5:55 pm #

    Haley’s most recent post and this post come into focus in the context of each other.

  31. khaki pants for men June 3, 2012 at 4:16 am #

    Love the shorts + socks on Orange Shirt.

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